Faktor Bossar



FAKTOR  BOSSAR  es –básicamente- un dúo, pero –ocasionalmente-  colabora con otros artistas:

 Tsukiko Amakawa (Japón) : piano, sintetizadores, sampler, voz, etc.

 Markus Breuss (Suíza) : trompetas (incluido trompetas étnicas como el Kang-Ling tibetano, fabricado con un fémur humano), electrónica, percusión, ordenador, etc.


La música de FAKTOR BOSSAR no se deja encasillar fácilmente: 

bullet La obra “7 p.m. eastern wartime”  (Doronko Records, 2003) -que ha sido interpretada en varios festivales- es un collage con elementos de la música  electroacústica, del “radical-dance”, de la música libre/improvisada, de la música contemporánea “académica”,  elementos de músicas étnicas y textos de personajes históricos.....
bullet Muchas de las piezas del repertorio actual, tienen bases rítmicas (que van desde       el  funk    de los setenta, hasta el drum &bass  y “palos-actuales-sin-nombres”

  -bastante electrónicos-),  sobre las cuales la trompeta (a menudo procesada) y los teclados de Amakawa, desarrollan  líneas –a veces- más jazzisticas. 

En las actuaciones de FAKTOR BOSSAR no faltan los momentos experimentales;  de noise  “puro y duro”, las batallas entre sintetizadores analógicos....

Y  -como amantes de los fuertes contrastes-  pueden incluso sorprender con una sencilla balada acústica, interpretada con una  trompeta y  un piano. 

¿ Electronic-Jazz/Radical-Noise/Free-Funk ?

¡ Son –sin duda-  inclasificables !


Algunas de sus influencias:

El Miles eléctrico,  Stockhausen,  Don Cherry,  John Zorn, Squarepusher, Herbie Hancock, John Cage, Aphex Twin, John Coltrane, Mouse on Mars, John Hassell, Nils Petter Molvaer, Erik Truffaz, etc.etc.etc…………………………………………..

Y  - ¡ sobre todo! -  las músicas “étnicas” del mundo entero.




FAKTOR BOSSAR es –básicamente- un dúo, pero –ocasionalmente- colabora con otros artistas:

Tsukiko Amakawa (Japón) : piano, sintetizadores, sampler, voz, etc.

Markus Breuss (Suíza) : trompetas (incluido trompetas étnicas como el Kang-Ling tibetano, fabricado con un fémur humano), electrónica, percusión, ordenador, etc.

La música de FAKTOR BOSSAR no se deja encasillar fácilmente:

· La obra “7 p.m. eastern wartime” (Doronko Records, 2003) -que ha sido interpretada en varios festivales- es un collage con elementos de la música electroacústica, del “radical-dance”, de la música libre/improvisada, de la música contemporánea “académica”, elementos de músicas étnicas y textos de personajes históricos.....

· Muchas de las piezas del repertorio actual, tienen bases rítmicas (que van desde el funk de los setenta, hasta el drum & bass y “palos-actuales-sin-nombres”
-bastante electrónicos-), sobre las cuales la trompeta (a menudo procesada) y los teclados de Amakawa, desarrollan líneas –a veces- más jazzisticas.

En las actuaciones de FAKTOR BOSSAR no faltan los momentos experimentales; de noise “puro y duro”, las batallas entre sintetizadores analógicos....
Y -como amantes de los fuertes contrastes- pueden incluso sorprender con una sencilla balada acústica, interpretada con una trompeta y un piano.

¿ Electronic-Jazz/Radical-Noise/Free-Funk ?
¡ Son –sin duda- inclasificables !

Algunas de sus influencias:
El Miles eléctrico, Stockhausen, Don Cherry, John Zorn, Squarepusher, Herbie Hancock, John Cage, Aphex Twin, John Coltrane, Mouse on Mars, John Hassell, Nils Petter Molvaer, Erik Truffaz, etc.etc.etc…………………………………………..
Y - ¡ sobre todo! - las músicas “étnicas” del mundo entero.

-----------nota de prensa, primavera 2005-------





July 21st 2005 - 10 pm.
MACBA Auditorium - Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona
plaça dels Àngels, 1
free entrance - limited capacity


The critics have always remarked the formidable impression produced by the mytical Clónicos concerts, and many aficionados remember their shows as sonic events as astonishing and surrounding. On july 21st, the otherwise director of that amazing orchestra will land in Barcelona for just one concert of the tour that began in England and will take the duet Faktor Bossar to Japan, a multitimbric and multistylistic sound entity, formed by Markus Breuss (trumpets, fluegelhorn, shanka, kang-ling (a trumpet made out of a femur), didgeridoo, superconstellation plane, Korg MS-20, Eventide H-3000, short wave receiver, laptop computer, percussion instruments and toys), and Tsukiko Amakawa (piano, synthesizers, Tibetan bowl, Tibetan cymbals, percussion.

The Swiss multiinstrumentalist and composer has joined forces with Japanese multiinstrumentalist and composer, in a project containing powerful elements of emotion and surprise, that create in the audience a suspense and continuous expectation sensation with their compositions, a real unending panorama of sound visions ranking from the ancestral to electronics, passing throug jazz, rock, improvisation, ready made, mysticism, weight and humour…

Breuss-Amakawa are in one of the most exciting worlds of current music: the one that adds the energy of rock and jazz to contemporary composition, visiting other musical cultures on their own, without joining a joyride for tourists, and transmitin a unique personality, a magnetic force one cannot resist. Fresh water for the ones thirsty of active listening.

A new collaboration with Gràcia Territori Sonor.

The new auditorium of MACBA opened its doors the last days of 2004. During the first half of this year, the museum has consolidated a very solid programme of cinema and audiovisuals, understanding that logic that says cinema has been a fundamental part of the artistic culture of 20th century (and obviously, that goes on this 21st).

Since this summer and until 2006, the museum wants to consolidate a music programme, too. In fact, since the exhibition "Procesos sónicos" (summer 2002) MACBA is showing the changes these last years are transforming the previous relation between high and popular culture. Also, there has been an irruption of the sound inside the space of the museum. That's the context where MACBA starts now a collaboration with Gràcia Territori Sonor. This alliance will give outcomes very soon, with one show this July and two in October. Those shows are part of the LEM Festival. The intention is to continue this collaboration in the future, because MACBA wants to give to contemporary experimental music, progressively, a stronger atention.

The International Festival of Experimental Music LEM (organised by Gràcia Territori Sonor) arrives this year to its ninth edition en 2005. One of the novelties of this edition it's the collaboration with MACBA, that will make possible the co-organisation of diferent sonic events until the end of this year, including the celebration of some of the shows of the festival in the Auditorium of the museum.

The public presentation of this new alliance will take place next July 21st in the museum, with the concert of Faktor Bossar, a duet made by two well known and very difficult to classified musicians: Markus Breuss (Switzerland) and Tsukiko Amakawa (Japan). That's the type of activity this collaboration is going to develop periodically. After the summer, (October 18th and 25th), the Auditorium of MACBA will give its welcome to two shows of the LEM Festival, with the german experimental vocalist Gabriele Hasler and the pianist from the US Larry Karush, a disciple of Terry Riley that knows how to connect his music with the great family of minimalism.

First show:

July 21st. 10pm. Auditorium MACBA: Faktor Bossar

Larry Karush